On October 16, 2024, NextStars hosted an insightful discussion featuring Stephen Green, Managing Partner at Green and Spiegel, and renowned entrepreneurship coach Rick Spence. The event centered around how newcomer innovators can navigate Canada’s immigration landscape, with a strong focus on the critical role of the Startup Visa program. The conversation explored how Canada’s immigration policies, especially the Startup Visa, provide a unique opportunity for global entrepreneurs to establish and grow their businesses in Canada. Stephen Green shared his extensive experience in helping newcomers move into Canada through tailored immigration strategies, leveraging programs like the Startup Visa to accelerate their entrepreneurial journey.
The event highlighted how community-building, mentorship, and access to local networks, combined with Canada’s progressive immigration policies, enable newcomer innovators to overcome barriers and thrive in Canada’s competitive startup ecosystem. By using the Startup Visa as a gateway, entrepreneurs can tap into Canada’s diverse market and unlock opportunities for growth and innovation.
Watch the full discussion on YouTube for more invaluable insights: Watch the Event.
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